FREE setup

Instant setup

24/7 Account manager

Monthly Plan
Yearly Plan

Basic Plan


R79.00 R948 PM

  • No Contracts
  • 1 Template (Greetings Template)
  • 10 Limited Users
  • Design-Specific Commenting
  • Real-Time Co-editing
  • Import Design On Webmail
  • Mobile Visual Maintainance
  • 24/7 Email Support

Business Plan

Companies For Scaling

R499.00 R5988 PM

  • No Contracts
  • 5 Templates (Including Transactional)
  • 35 Limited Users
  • Design-Specific Commenting
  • Real-Time Co-editing
  • Import Design On Webmail
  • Mobile Visual Maintainance
  • 24/7 Email Support

* Product add ons include customised email template design for proposals costing at a price of R350.00 per email send & email designed marketing templates are priced at R550.00 per email send.

Do You Have

Any Questions?

Why Is Email Design?

Email design is the process of strategically designing and creating an email that resonates with your business’s target audience, specifically your current email subscribers and customers.

Email design is the process of strategically designing and creating an email that resonates with your business’s target audience, specifically your current email subscribers and customers.

Why Email Design Matter?

With email users expected to reach 4.7 billion by 2026, mastering email design is crucial for reaching and converting your target audience.

Email recipients often scan information and abandon emails that don‘t offer them value or simply appear to be too dense.

That’s why having great email design is so important — it’ll help you capture the attention of, and engage, your email recipients.

Your email design should be attention-grabbing, aesthetically-pleasing, and on-brand, among other things

What Is Our Working Process With You To Email Design?

Want to impress your client with a stunning email? We start with a great email design brief!The design phase is a critical step in the email production process for many digital marketing agencies. It's when your email takes shape visually for the first time.According to Litmus, out of all production tasks, the majority of senders spend the most time in the email design phase.The email production process typically involves:

- Conceptualizing the email campaign
- Developing content (copy and visual assets, like original photography)
- Designing emails (this is our focus today)
- Developing emails
- Testing, QA, and final approvals
- Sending!

A good email design brief ensures that you have a smooth transition from Steps 1 and 2 to Step 3. You need to both 1) meet your client's expectations and 2) communicate with your designer and design team.So today, we're gearing this post toward agency-based project managers. We'll walk you through how to communicate with your designer via an awesome design brief, which will help create the first version of a fully-designed email.

Do We Offer Hosting Migrations?

Yes we do. We offer Free web hosting migrations for up to 5 web hosting accounts with up to 10GB of hosting space. Migrations after 5 hosting accounts are done at an hourly rate of R450. You will have to open Support Ticket to request a Free Migration Service

Can We Help You Remove Your website & Emails From Your Current Host?

We offer free website migrations for up to 10 accounts within the first 30 days. Just inform us via a support ticket so we can do the migration for you.

Do You Need Any Knowledge of Email Design to Get A Subscription?

No, our email design packages don't require you to know much about email designing. All of our email design packages are fully managed, meaning we will take care of all the design for you. This includes designing wireframe for your design, coding it, and launching it. We also have tons of helpful tutorials on how you can get inspirations for email design to get the best look for your company, manage emails and use all of our email design features.

* Attention Big Companies

Even your favourite hosting provider
doesn't offer this.
Get Customised!

We are the leading company in South Africa to give companies a head start opportunity in their everyday business email operations to look the part with top notch email designed templates. Get customised plan today that suit your organization.

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